With webfile definitions you can define the structure of webfiles stored and read from webfile datastores. Every webfile contains of an id, a time and other selfdefined attributes suitable for the current webfile definition.

Webfile defitions are represented via classes in php. You define a class which extends the MWebfile (API) class in order to get the functionality.

There are two main purposes to define webfiles:

  • for generic datatores: store and read data from generic datastores
  • for specific selfdefined datastores: create webfile defitions to persist and read custom data to your defined datastores

Possible Datatypes

datatypes which can be used to defined webfile definitions:

identifier datatype
s shorttext
l longtext
h htmllongtext
d date
t time
i integer
f float
o object

Sample webfile definition

use webfilesframework\core\datasystem\file\format\MWebfile;

class Contact extends MWebfile

    private $m_sFirstname; // attributes has to be in the given scheme - all attributes with "m_" as prefix gets persisted - "s" defines the type of the attribute (string)
    private $m_sLastname;
    private $m_sCity;

    public function setFirstname($m_sFirstname)
        $this->m_sFirstname = $m_sFirstname;
    public function getFirstname()
        return $this->m_sFirstname;

    public function setLastname($m_sLastname)
        $this->m_sLastname = $m_sLastname;
    public function getFirstname()
        return $this->m_sFirstname;

    public function setCity($m_sCity)
        $this->m_sCity = $m_sCity;
    public function getCity($m_sCity)
        $this->m_sCity = $m_sCity;
